Dr. HS Anantha Padmanabha

Dr. HS Anantha Padmanabha
He has served as a senior scientist at the institute of wood science and Technology, Bangalore. From 1964 to 1998 he was responsible for guiding research projects on sandalwood and other forestry spices, on nursery techniques, diagnosis of diseases and management of pests and affecting sandalwood and forestry tree species. He is an author of many books and published more than 150 articles both in Indian and international journals. He has received number of awards for his distinguish work on sandalwood by many organizations. He was a consultant to department of conservation and management (CALM) and forest products commission (FPC) government of western Australia from 1998 to 2002. He was a consultant to Tropical Forest services (TFS) western Australia from 2002 to 2020. At present he is providing guidance to farmers, corporate bodies, and NGO’s for promoting sandalwood plantations.